
Spaces 4 All (Interreg Central Europe, 2023 – 2026)

The Spaces4All project is based on the premise that people with disabilities or reduced mobility can freely visit national parks, cultural monuments or places outside cities and major tourist routes. The aim of the project is that, using digital technologies, disabled citizens can plan and undertake such visits individually.

To support this concept, the project will develop an app that will connect public administration and local government institutions and tourism organisations. The application will be complemented by the project partners with data already available and collected within the project. The functioning of the application will then be tested in pilot areas. One of the three pilot areas will be a cross-border area including the Podyjí National Park on the Czech and Austrian side, the towns of Znojmo and Retz, which are also project partners, and the connecting Mikulov area up to the Lednice-Valtice area. This area will be developed by CENIA in cooperation with the Czech Paraplegic Association and Austrian partners from BOKU University and the Wienviertel region.

Implementation period: March 2023-February 2026

Project leader: Slovenian Geodetic Institute

Other partners:

Total project budget: €2.65 million (80% co-financed by the Interreg Central Europe programme)

Jitka Faugnerová,