Technical Support

The department provides professional support for the performance of state administration in the field of Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC). Professional support means the processing of statements on applications for the issuance of an integrated permit and their amendments and participation in reviews organised under the Integrated Prevention Act. The department also cooperates within the system of information exchange on Best Available Techniques (BAT) in the Czech Republic and the EU, including participation in the work of technical working groups. Based on the conclusions of science, research and international cooperation, it evaluates the impacts of IPPC regulation on regulated entities and the environment of the Czech Republic.

Another area of the department’s activities is the provision of information support for the performance of state administration in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA/SEA) and cooperation in scientific, professional and popular publication outputs. The department also includes the operation of a helpdesk in the area of REACH and CLP, via the EnviHELP application.

Scope and agenda of the department:

  • expert support for the performance of state administration in the field of IPPC,
  • evaluation in the field of BAT,
  • exchange of information on BAT, including the activities of national and international technical working groups,
  • information support for the performance of state administration in the field of EIA/SEA,
  • support for the performance of state administration in drafting legislation for IPPC and EIA/SEA,
  • operation of the National Information Centre (helpdesk) REACH and CLP.