Public procurement

An overview of the public procurement of the Czech Environmental Information Agency can be found on the profiles of the contracting authority.

The profile of the contracting authority is defined by Act No. 134/2016 Coll., on public procurement (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and is meant to be a specific address of an electronic tool on the Internet that the contracting authority uses to publish information concerning public procurement and that allows remote access.

The Internet addresses of the contracting authority’s profile are published in the Public Procurement Bulletin.

The contracting authority’s profile is located, according to the provisions of Article 213 of the Act, in the electronic tool E-ZAK of the Ministry of the Environment, and also, according to Article 214(2) of the Act, in the electronic tool NEN (national electronic tool administered by the Ministry for Regional Development). Small public contracts are transferred from the electronic tool E-ZAK of the MoE to the electronic tool e-marketplace GEMIN. Link to the address of the contracting authority’s profile on the GEMIN e-marketplace.