EU Ecolabel Showroom on wheels successfully completed its tour in the Czech Republic!

In mid-September, the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the EU Ecolabel started in the Czech Republic. The celebration was unconventional in its form, with a travelling stand “Shrowroom on wheels”, which you could meet in various places in Prague.

The showroom was a bicycle caravan pulled by an electric wheel, which functions as a promotional stand. It had its premiere at the National Technical Library in Prague as part of the Environment – Environment for Life conference and was also on display at other weekend events.

The showroom attracted many passers-by and many families, who were able to learn about the advantages and benefits of products with the European Ecolabel. Little visitors were delighted with the Ekolífek masks, big ones appreciated the practical certified gifts and expert information, and the wheel of fortune did not stop – everyone wanted to compete.

The showroom is now moving back to Belgium, but we are not stopping with the ecolabel presentation! Keep an eye on our Facebook profile for information about other events taking place in October and November 2022.

More photos can be found here.