Landsat 9 images are now available in the Satellite Data Archive

Data from the new Landsat 9 satellite, which became operational at the end of last year, has been added to the Satellite Data Archive.

Landsat 9 complements the already operating Landsat 8 satellite with its data and shortens the availability interval for Landsat images of the Czech Republic to eight days instead of the previous sixteen. Every eighth day, Landsat imagery is available, alternating between Landsat 8 and Landsat 9. The imagery is downloaded to the Satellite Data Archive, where it is further processed and used to create derived data products.

Image retrieval in the Satellite Data Archive and data products are similar for Landsat 9 as for Landsat 8. Landsat 9 data are available in the Archive retrospectively from the start of the 2022 growing season.